Thursday 2 December 2010

using easy photoshop

right so I'm not the best at photoshop so I have gone onto this website where I gave it out tutorial on basic things. I am really happy with the out come and I have used it on one of my 1950s style photoshoot so here it is :)


 I wanted to give it an old looking feel which I like but I still prefer the original but I think its will be a nice  effect on other images in the future to give it that grainy effect, but also an added bit of colour I am going to try it out on a landscape image and see how it looks on that.

original version 

edited version

in this edited version we can see it has softened the image which gives out the old fashion feeling that this tutorial was meant to so I am really happy with out come of the landscape image compared to the 1950s shot where I find it to be to harsh on her, like I said  I did like it on the 1950s one but I find it to much where as in the original version its much warmer which is what I prefer for that shoot but I thought I would try out the tutorial to see what it looked like :)


  1. I agree with you on the first one Ally! I do prefer the original to the shopped one, but nonetheless they are both awesome images!! Is it one of yours? if so I'm really digging the shot!! It's really well lit up and looks like the model is having a good ol' laugh!! I'm unsure whether it was intended but I also like the slow gradient from the white to the light grey on the background. Brilliant couple of shots!!

  2. yeah this is my shoot thank you did it for one of my assignments it was really good because I wanted to do a 50s shoot any way so I got to do it all at once. I was trying to get her to have a laugh as I wanted the whole feeling of the 1950s commercial side where the women are always happy but I really loved shooting this one and I have quite a few other images that I'm going to work on from this shoot over Christmas :)
