Thursday 2 December 2010

Rob Zombie!

mwahahaha right I was looking through my music and a Rob Zombie song came on must I say much more in how amazing he is! well if you have never heard about him before the clue is in the title :p Rob Zombie the reason why I am adding him into my blog, as we where introduced into using DSLRS into video making. I thought this short genre of film making  would really interest me to actually make a short film based around the same Gothic horror based films he make. The reason why I have chosen Rob is the way that he always has a part  to do with the music videos and because he also makes his own films the stuff he produces are masterpieces in my eyes because of the details that he has in his work  :) here is a few videos to show you what I mean about the bands music videos. In every aspect of these videos I wish I could just take photos as these videos as so visually pleasing in a horror perspective.So hope fully next semester I will have a mini film to work on including my photographs. I'm going to keep an up date of his stuff as well like watching his films as they are really gory and he always has brilliant perspective for all the videos and films he produces. I would defiantly ask you to watch living dead girl the original version of the video and  the return of the phantom stranger as there is so much work that has go into these videos and the most dark out of them all but there is also a lot of humour in Dragula :) 

The original video of living dead girl

the remix of living dead girl


Spookshow baby

Return of the phantom stranger

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