Friday 10 December 2010

Alternative processes

I'm a big fan of the alternative processes because it all the work behind it being able to say I did the process from start to finished and spent hours getting the image right. Well next semester I want to be working in this again as I haven't been able to do it this semester I want to work on medium format and also 35mm in the studio to get the grainy look to set off some of my horror theme but also have a digital camera to get the same images just in case there is a problem with my negs because it really it hurts when you do all that work to find out the images haven't come out, that's a big problem but always having the digital images as a back up is the best thing I think . yeah so working in the darkroom I want to learn more from Andy and get him to do so tutorials on how to get different effects in my work, ahaha I'm going have to bribe him for the day get a few people together so we can get a lecture on it, I have seen some of his work and I would love to get the same effect he has in some of his images to be the same style in some of my pictures to give it an extra touch of uniqueness. 

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