Friday 10 December 2010

Saw films

right when I get back after Christmas I'm hoping to get together a Saw feeling photo shoot take the ideas for the film and make up my own ideas but also having a bit of help from this film like using a doll having crazy traps set up on people safe ones though there will be no harming in my photography :P I know its a bit over the top but I going to try hard and get something out of it even if I do not like the images themselves practice makes perfect and I can always re-shoot if that I the case as I can keep everything I want this shoot to be more creepy than horror to give it what's going on look like it being a trailer keep the images a tease like using limbs only seeing half of what's actually happening maybe later on when I have a bit more experience make a few short films to go with different parts of my work to get short film for every aspect. Whilst being at home I'm going to look for some locations to see what kind of places I could set up, but with home being so far away I would have to invest the time if I did find a place that I liked and do the shoot for a long weekend I'm also going to be looking around Preston to see if I can find any abandoned places that may work here are a few examples that I want to try working on from the film

Repo! the genetic opera

I don't know why I didn't add this film in ages ago what an amazing film if you love the saw films and musicals this is one of those films and it has an all star cast including my favourite Anthony Head best know for playing his role in Buffy the vampire slayer as Giles! so everything about this film in my eyes is amazing just one little glitch they have is the fact they allowed Paris Hilton in this film that was an epic Fail having her in it in my eyes but for that little glitch on an amazing film who am I complaining about it. so this film is based in the near future and man does it have a lot of gore well its made from the same guys who made Saw but that the best thing about it, I am so going to base one of my shoots on the Repo man, so the Repo man is hired to reposes peoples organs if they are not paying its gory but there is such a big story behind it its hard to explain. this film isn't well known as it never went to the cinema even though I waited for it to come to the cinema the funding was cut so it was only shown in some places in the United States. Give it a watch it is amazing all the constructed scenes the lighting costume designs and the AMAZING  story! this film was originally a on set play. here is a link to a trailer and also one of my favourite scenes. I wish I could put the whole film up but its not possible :P

video to legal assassin couldn't get a video up but here is the link this one is amazing this song!

video : mark it up!

night surgeon

Zydrate Anatomy

thankless job

Stephen Eastwood

I was looking for some portrait photographer that would inspire me in how to make the shoot a fashion one as well this guy has some amazing stuff that is just so simple like using netting on the face putting paint on the face the simple but really effective make up that will basically take around 20 mins to do. here is a sample of his work

Michael Williams

Just found this site with photographer Michael Williams I was just looking for different way of having someone pose but in everyday in and I came across Michael himself working with famous people and also in everyday life scenery. its really interesting the way that he has the model in these images just placed in houses on the street not used in any studio in any of his picture for which I can gather. 

Alternative processes

I'm a big fan of the alternative processes because it all the work behind it being able to say I did the process from start to finished and spent hours getting the image right. Well next semester I want to be working in this again as I haven't been able to do it this semester I want to work on medium format and also 35mm in the studio to get the grainy look to set off some of my horror theme but also have a digital camera to get the same images just in case there is a problem with my negs because it really it hurts when you do all that work to find out the images haven't come out, that's a big problem but always having the digital images as a back up is the best thing I think . yeah so working in the darkroom I want to learn more from Andy and get him to do so tutorials on how to get different effects in my work, ahaha I'm going have to bribe him for the day get a few people together so we can get a lecture on it, I have seen some of his work and I would love to get the same effect he has in some of his images to be the same style in some of my pictures to give it an extra touch of uniqueness. 

photo shoot with faye

So I have got some of the images from the shoot that I help out with Faye she wanted to get a bit of a fashion style images it was really good working with her as I haven't really worked on a black background so setting up the lights in the right place had me going for a while but at the same time the camera had been playing up it said it was on ISO 100 but it turns out it was lying to us it was actually on ISO 1400 so she kept getting grainy images but we could get the images on the black background but not on the white. so we improvised but we know what has happened so she has know shorted out her camera for the next time she does a shoot it goes to show sometimes the tool of the trade likes to have an off day as well. here are a few images from Faye's shoot :)

assisting on shoot with michelle

right so a couple of weeks ago I help michelle assisting and modeling for her shoot it was a really good time as we had to guess what f stops we needed as she hadn't booked a light meter so we did need to mess about for a while getting the lighting and the camera at the right place we where there for a few hours just playing with the light to see what different effects we could get from them. I learnt it takes a bit longer to figure out the setting of the camera and lights. I don't actually have any images from that night but if I can get them from Michelle I will post them up :)