Thursday 14 October 2010

portrait photoshoot

the other day I went to experiment with different lighting in the studio, to see what kind of effects I can get. 
i find in this shot it was to commercial the standard studio shot I really want to start finding different ways to make the model and the photograph stand out and not look so plain and commercial. this shot was taken with the umbrella and a soft box. I'm not really happy with the lighting so I the next image I change the lighting around a bit to get more of a textured image.

in this second image I used 2 soft boxes on the side and a beauty dish on the one facing the model the light is a bit more harsh but it also brings out the image this isn't my favourite one out of the shoot but  the whole point of doing this shoot is to try and experiment with lighting.The lighting on the face is to harsh I find.

this is my favourite images out of the whole of the shoot as it was one of those shots that I would have never had thought about the timing was just right and I think the lighting is just in the right place, the lights where in the exact same place as the second image but this one has to be my favourite out of this shoot.


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