Friday 15 October 2010

2nd ribbon photoshoot

right my second ribbon photoshoot when Darren had mentioned that maybe I should change the idea and just use a body part to be honest I wasn't to happy but then as soon as he mentioned something about the arms an idea popped into my head I don't know why but I  had the classic image of carrie in her prom dress with the blood down her, I think to myself I definitely have been thinking in the wrong direction by making the first photoshoot to look like its meant to be beautiful, so I striped down my idea and started to re-think so I thought of what Darren had said and how just having a body part might make the image more shocking. So then I used the idea darren had given me with the arms but it wasn't what I was looking for so I thought back to the carrie idea and how simple they made her yet we knew something was going on, so I came up with putting all of the ribbons onto the models face to make it look like she is suffocating and she is trying to take the ribbons off so here is 2 of the images that I really like the first image is one I like but the second has to be my favourite.

Image one 

I really like this image and the idea of her hand going for the ribbon but when I was looking over them less is more in this case and from my second image hopefully you can see why.

image 2

 alright this is my final image and like I said I think less is more in the case I really like the fact we can only see her eye and all of her mouth is covered aswell I would like to have a few changes like have it all sharp and not any depth of field but im just really happy with the way it has turned as when I look at the first photoshoot I feel like it was really bland and this one just pops, and just in case anybody was wondering if I see a ribbon any time soon I might go nuts as I spent 12 hours putting all of these ribbons together.

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