Sunday 3 October 2010

1920s 30s 40s and 50s

I'm really love the style's from the  20s,30s,40s and 50s I think its the slick look and classic beauty, one of the photographers I'm looking at is Robert Doisneau I really like  his work he is a documentary photographer but at the same time he has people in the shoots some might be constructed and others not but at the same time they are brilliantly put together, he was also hired by Life, vogue as a portrait photographer. 

this is one of his most famous images 'kiss by the hotel de ville'. I just think he captured the moment and the way that the kiss is in public the people passing behind, this was taken in 1950. I just really like the style in those times just so classic pretty, the hair styles hats coats just the style in general just inspires me to do a photoshoot in that part of the century. 

  I really want to get some classic portraiture shots like Judy Garland, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, and Ginger Rogers. the elegance they make the image the composition the lighting just perfect. 

Judy Garland 
This image just has a classic clean  feel to it  its something I would  love to try out in the studio with  a stylist  just to do this theme from the 1920s to the 1950s and show the range of different lighting to get a classic look here are some other actresses that  I really like the style and way the have been photographed

Grace Kelly

Audrey Hepburn

Ginger Rogers.

well these are a few reasons why I want to do these theme just because they are so classically  put together  I will be putting more up and a few more photographers and ideas, I'm really looking forward to trying out some of these classical images and using the lightings to get some really amazing images. this little project will get me using the studio lighting as I am not 100% sure of what I can get out of the lighting tools.

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