Tuesday 30 November 2010

Deviant Art photographers

So I went looking for other photographers who use macabre photography so here are some images I have found, there wasn't much information on the photographers that I looked at so I will put there screen name and link to there DA account.

this one is by NikytaGaia title intercepter

the composition and the sheer terror in the look of this photograph is amazing or she may be enjoying the whole concept of the scene like she is the one inflicting the wrath of pain, every time I see this image it reminds me of a vampire films like Van Helsing, Underworld or episodes from Buffy the Vampire slayer, Doctor who, charmed and more than likely over films and TV series. link to her DA profile :)

mumbojumbo89 title: zombie

I really like the concept of this image using a young girl as a zombie, the whole simple idea of the makeup and and it just being a head shot is something I would like to try out with my work.
link to DA account: http://mumbojumbo89.deviantart.com/

artirriant title ZOMBIFEED

How freaky is this I randomly came over it and thought brilliant way of not using a model whole this could be just anyone that is sat with you and I think most of it is photoshoped but I just cant help but look at it. It reminds me of the saw films.
link to DA account :http://artirritant.deviantart.com/

the Reaping

My Film that I watched last was the reaping based on a 13 year old girl who was going to be possessed by the Devil by the towns people. with watching this film I found it interesting but there was something actually lacking like the whole things jumping out at you where as this film only had one scene that mad me jump because the girl jumped out of the bushes, the whole concept of the film is based on religion and the different plagues I like the concept but this film is one that I don't think I will re watch when until some asks to watch it. So I watched this film before going to bed which I what I'm going to be doing for the rest of the time to see how I react in my sleep e.g. how hard I found it falling asleep or disturbed sleeping pattern (waking up in the middle of the night) stressing in my sleep and of course nightmares :( I want this to be apart of my research as I find it to be interesting how I react will it be the same reactions when I was a young teenager watching these films. with this film I had no effect on me sleep wise fell flat out asleep once it had finished and woke up at 7:45am with it being dark still it didn't bother me as I got up walked about in the dark to get a drink then got back to my room to get some more sleep before my lecture. This film equals no effect on my sleeping pattern :)

Monday 29 November 2010

horror and thriller films :)

alrighty then I have decided that I am now going to watch a horror or thriller film a day, so my research will start to widen research on this area, classics like the poltergeist the hammer collection and anything I can find on the cheap side and find scenes and ideas on my shoots so I will be updating all about the film I have watched once it has finished to either say how good or bad, scared or not scared about it the thoughts of the scenes the best parts, hopefully it wont effect me in anyway! (nightmares) :P hahaha  so there shall be another post tonight or tomorrow morning on the film I watched, just have to pick a film now :)

Daivd Moyle

I just found another photographer that I'm really interested by the looks of it this is one of his first shoots as I cant seem to find much more of this style of photographs on his website but did find him on Flick-r with the macabre style of photography. I really like the gory blood and darkness and I really want to start shooting in these styles but to get it the way he has it I would really need a warm day so the model wouldn't freeze to death :P 
I love the attention to detail on these simple but really shocking I really want to get into the studio and do something like this, I will get into the studio this week and get my ass into gear to do this more important finding the model I will have to get searching to find someone that may be interested!
this is my goal this week to short out this kind of shoot I will do it!
link to flick-r account: http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidmoyle/3699523248/in/set-72157617705044249/
link to website: http://www.davidmoyle.com/

Sunday 28 November 2010

1950s style photo shoot

the other day I was shooting for my other assignments and it was based on film and that we had to do a response, for my response I decided to do a fashion shoot of 1950s style clothing, makeup and hair do's :)
I'm really happy with the way they have turned out, there are a few things I would like to change but I am really happy with the way it has turned out, so when working with a makeup/hairstylist is really hard work as the process of waiting around got to me as I just wanted to start so it was a bit stressful since by 3pm I still had no image but once the images started to come in I was a bit more relaxed, until it was the second models turn to shoot and once again I was waiting about and the same thing happened with the 3rd I have know learnt my lesson that the makeup and hair need to be done before the shoot as I get to stressed out :p
here are the images and the layout to the lighting.

so here are my final image I do have loads more that I want to add more to them so when I edit them I will put them on my flick-r account and put up a link.

Thursday 25 November 2010

assisting on studio shoot with Sheryl and modelling for Chloe

today was well eventful went over to help in the studio with Sheryl for her shoot for a different assignment, it was interesting to see the way that she lighted the model Chloe, so today with the help of Darren we found out how to do a perfect black background :) which is always a great thing to learn as I have always had a grey kind of scale when using the black background.  then with Chloe's shoot she had be a model and we used a light reflector thing in front of my face which made my face go all crazy looking but to try and get the right light set up was a long lingering process as we went from the hunny comb and snoot but we kept getting a glare on the paper glass thing we had so we changed it for the soft box just right in front but once again that gave to much of a glare. so the third try we put up just one snoot and that looked better but still there was to much of a glare but we switched the light off to see if it was the glare coming off of the light from the top, so we had a few shots with the light off then they were abit better so we decided to call Darren for some help which was the best thing really because he told us that using a flash would be to hard and that we needed a constant light so we put 2 snoots on either side of my face and tried that but we had abit of a shadow in the middle of my face so we had a small light box on the front of my face but tilting down which came out with the best shots so soon as they go on her blog I will set up a link to it.  

Sunday 21 November 2010

Ruven Afanador

okay so I found this photographer and I cant seem to find any information on him :S but anyway I really like his constructed images. his name is Ruven Afanador like I said I couldn't find anything about him as there wasn't any biography on him on the website :)

As you can see he is a very constructed images well thought out to the last detail. 
here is the link to his website :) :http://www.art-dept.com/artists/afanador/

Friday 19 November 2010

disney :)

alright we all know Disney and there fairy tales well Joshua Hoffine in his blog he talks about Disney and the way to look at some of the scenes and how some of the golden oldies  that are actually macabre scenes, and that walter was also into horror in a sense e.g. the baddies it reminds me of the original brothers grime tales which I'm going to try and find the books that I had when my dad made me read to him as a teenager so I would get into reading more which did help as now I love reading and because of the possible ways of making the text into memory to make an image. so here are a few of the video's what Joshua posted on the blog, when I saw them it was pretty amazing to actually see:

Joshua Hoffine

right so I'm getting really inspired in doing some work which involves using horror in photography and I have once again found another photographer :) so here we go this photographer as you will guest from the title is called Joshua Hoffine he is also another horror photographer really twisted and makes you look twice. there are a few images in where he uses children as a part of the image making it based on childhood horrors.
As you can see here the whole thrilling part of his images is seeing how shocking and the way things have been put together, I am also in the middle of reading his blog and the way he constructs the scene and puts everything together all the make up the making of the instillation. 
Here is his link to his website and blog :)

Erwin Olaf

okay so last night was a bit of a bummer as half way my post my internet cuts off :( it becoming a real problem, so I am now in the library trying to get this done. So before i was rudely disconnected ff of the internet, I found a photographer that I really enjoy looking at found him last and just couldn't believe how twisted but so doll like his work is.
he was born in the neverlands in 1959, and currently lives and works in Amsterdam where his studio is in a former church hall. he started photography mixing both studio and documentary, he emerged his work in 1988 when his series 'chessmen' was awarded the first prize in the Young European Photographer competition.
his early work in documentary style black and white then gradually introduced color and then digital manipulation. his most famous exhibition being Royal Blood (2000): minimalist white-on-white portraits, depicting the vengeful nature of members of the aristocracy who have suffered unsavory deaths. this project has to be my favourite out of his portfolio but saying that the other stuff is amazing here are some of the images of the Royal Blood portfolio. I am going to carry on looking into more of his work and there may be more post and ideas :)

link to web site :) http://www.erwinolaf.com/#/portfolio/

Thursday 18 November 2010

murder scenes idea

Alrighty I have just been reading a crime novel and in this book he really bring really elaborate's images to mind like in one of the scenes which is the one I would like to try and recreate different scenes from parts of the novel I think I would do it on location but at the same time the studio comes to mind as I could make the lighting nicer but with location there would be a proper drop back of a living room of some sort. Then carry on this as a project come up with different scenes read more murder mystery novels :P  I really like being able to read these and have like my mind bring them to life instead it is like its my own work as I was the one picturing it but someone else has thought the idea up. I'm going to start looking for some photographers that use crime scenes or macabre style of photography.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

new idea!

okay well I'm feeling creative today 2 ideas and i havent had one in weeks ahaha. well this idea is working in a mansion in a ballroom which is lucky I know where to find one since there is one down the road from my dads house :P so what I wanted to do was have an empty ball room and have a model in the middle like she has come way to late by days but when she does finally get there she has been up for days her hair a mess and makeup all over her face

Tuesday 16 November 2010

bathtub idea :)

right so I had this idea of getting a bathtub in the middle of somewhere grungy looking place or a really green grassed. with the bathtub full of beads and pearls and like little trinket things like that and have either a male or female in the tub with all of the buttons and stuff like they are having a bath in them in a really high fashioned edgy  looking make up and hair styles.