Tuesday 30 November 2010

the Reaping

My Film that I watched last was the reaping based on a 13 year old girl who was going to be possessed by the Devil by the towns people. with watching this film I found it interesting but there was something actually lacking like the whole things jumping out at you where as this film only had one scene that mad me jump because the girl jumped out of the bushes, the whole concept of the film is based on religion and the different plagues I like the concept but this film is one that I don't think I will re watch when until some asks to watch it. So I watched this film before going to bed which I what I'm going to be doing for the rest of the time to see how I react in my sleep e.g. how hard I found it falling asleep or disturbed sleeping pattern (waking up in the middle of the night) stressing in my sleep and of course nightmares :( I want this to be apart of my research as I find it to be interesting how I react will it be the same reactions when I was a young teenager watching these films. with this film I had no effect on me sleep wise fell flat out asleep once it had finished and woke up at 7:45am with it being dark still it didn't bother me as I got up walked about in the dark to get a drink then got back to my room to get some more sleep before my lecture. This film equals no effect on my sleeping pattern :)

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