Sunday 28 November 2010

1950s style photo shoot

the other day I was shooting for my other assignments and it was based on film and that we had to do a response, for my response I decided to do a fashion shoot of 1950s style clothing, makeup and hair do's :)
I'm really happy with the way they have turned out, there are a few things I would like to change but I am really happy with the way it has turned out, so when working with a makeup/hairstylist is really hard work as the process of waiting around got to me as I just wanted to start so it was a bit stressful since by 3pm I still had no image but once the images started to come in I was a bit more relaxed, until it was the second models turn to shoot and once again I was waiting about and the same thing happened with the 3rd I have know learnt my lesson that the makeup and hair need to be done before the shoot as I get to stressed out :p
here are the images and the layout to the lighting.

so here are my final image I do have loads more that I want to add more to them so when I edit them I will put them on my flick-r account and put up a link.


  1. They look great against that white background! You're very skilled with the camera! :)

    And this is weird, but I'm wearing the exact same dress as the girl in the second photo, right now. haha!

  2. hehe brilliant, and thank you I will be back at xmas so I will have to email james and see if he is in need of a photographer :)
