Tuesday 28 September 2010

Liquid light

I have decided to use liquid light as one of my processes into portraiture and seeing if I can master the process as it is a very tricky process and takes time as in  this process you have to buy the right paper watercolour paper around  300gsm. the liquid light emulsion is put into hot water in and then apply onto the paper thinly and be careful not to get any runs, then let the emulsion to dry this will take over night so make sure that it is in a light tight room, I haven't given out all the details later on I will put an up date on how I processed my work this semester. here is some people who practice this method on different textiles. 
I found this website which I find really interesting in how this method is used 
Pamela Petro
she uses the liquid light process but instead  of paper she uses pebbles and places them back in the beach its such a qwerty idea and fun at the same time.
Pam kleeman 
uses the liquid light process on vinyl one thing that I would have never thought of using as I wouldn't have thought it would take properly, but apparently it works really well here is the link ----> http://www.rockaloid.com/gallery2.html

I would carry on looking through this website at it has so many fun ideas that I would have never thought of.

here is some of the images I did from last term using this method they I think they turned out well since it is so tricky the first one will be a test strip and the other two images are the finals that I handed in. 

Image one this is my test strip the timer goes down every 10 seconds.

image one the final image I put this under for 27 seconds as I thought it needed to be in-between 25 and 30sec.

test print image 2
same again I tested this in ten second

image 2 final print this was taken 30 seconds 
as you can see this process gives out some beautiful image's delicate and also having brush strokes I think make the image pop you don't have to have the brush strokes its personal preference. 

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