Saturday 25 September 2010


I'm starting this blog for uni, in my blog I'm going to talk about what my intention, ideas, research that I find interesting and also adding in my own work and development. 
 So the aspect part of photography I want to go into is portraiture fashion and beauty shots.  I'm going to be looking at different photographers my own work and also putting any little ideas onto this blog. I am really interested in doing most of my work on film but also using digital just to be able to show that I can go from one to another that way I have more ways to show my work. One of my ideas is to first start off working in one of the studios and getting a few beauty shots in both film and in digital so I have the range of work and if anything does go wrong with the film I have back up with the digital shoot as well, that also means I have both classic black and white and colour. I want to try medium format to see the differences between 35mm and medium, and also working in this format I will be able to use the different technique's that I learnt last year with Andy Sanderson e.g. liquid light, cyanotype and the different range of papers we where shown. here is my list of 10 things that i am going to do during this assignment

1.research different photographers in the aspect of photography that I want to do
2. using different ways to improve my ability by using both film and digital
3. looking at adding more into my portraiture e.g. adding advertisement for jewellery 
4. make up advertisement 
5.looking at my old work to see how much I have progressed 
6. finding out other ways to make my work into fashion as well as portraiture 
7. start showing my work to others getting my work on the internet and making a name for myself 
8. learn more things about the studio learning how to use the space that is available
9. learning how to use the lighting properly
10. and trying to get my confidence up to get my photography skills to the way I want them 

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